Saturday, September 13, 2008

The PERFECT years!

Kennah had her birthday party last night.

We seem to have entered the phase of slumber parties. It seems too good to be true to have HER make invitations, bake some pizzas and a cake, buy candles and PRESTO, a party. (Sadly, I do miss the days planning themed parties, they were always so fun. But a lot of work, as Slade will quickly point out.)

Slade and I enjoyed kicking back (literally), hanging with the girls.
Once the suger kicked in, the giggles were non-stop. That is a sound that someone should market.

Wonder how Slade held up by the end of the night?

Just a little over the top--such the exaggerator!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Cute pics! Good-bye to the kid parties, but bigger kids certainly do have their perks.