Thursday, September 4, 2008

A+ Advertising

I love advertising. I am entertained guessing who the target audience is in situations. "Just why are they saying THAT?" "What would they change if the market was different?" Just some of my commercial musings. And I love it! Superbowl ads, something I look forward to each year. Call me a nerd, but after all, I do have a communications minor.

This week the kids, while in the car listening to NPR (OK, I can't blame the comm minor on that habit) started a discussion that eventually ended up centered around the word "elite." I gave a decent definition and was mentally patting myself on the shoulder for loving the my kids' maturing minds. Sawyer, wanting to clarify the meaning, and perhaps show off two extra years of knowledge said, "I know what 'elite' means. . . the Army."

I knew I shouldn't laugh when he was so darn serious, but I was so amused that the Army has successfully advertised to my TEN year old son. Is he really their target audience? He certainly "got" the message. Loud and clear.


Alisha said...

Umm . . . that's scary. Funny at first, maybe. But scary. Army targeting 10 year olds? Sheesh.

SHAKS Watts said...

Yup. I know McD's is trying to get to my kids. (Junk) toy commercials haven't changed snce we were kids. I can run my own "campaigns" against them. (McDonalds will kill you. That toy doesn't really fly. That baby doll isn't really going to roller skate all over our house.)

But the Army? Where did THAT come from?