Monday, January 11, 2010

'Til We Meet Again . . .

Last night we said good-bye to Slade's parents for a year and a half. They are headed to NY for volunteer missionary service. BUT how do you say good-bye while feeling the pain? You spin it. So here's my "spin":

They are excited to a very fun adventure, together. And we are excited for them.

They have planned for this time for years. It is finally here.

They are very kind people who make everyone feel welcome. Many people are lucky to have the chance to be with them.

Oh, the stories they will have to tell!
Maybe this is just the excuse I need for the road trip of all road trips!?!

Slade would say to "live in the moment--to accept the now." And so I will not list the many things I will miss. My "now" definitely involves tears. But I can hear Dad saying, "It's a good thing." And it is!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Upside of ILF

The first Christmas Slade and I were married, we spent the holiday with his family here in Oregon. We arrived over the mountains, by a miracle, to an ice-filled scene. Although beautiful, we spent a portion of the break without electricity. And most everyone had their turn of illness. And, in Steven C and my defense, this was our first year with in-laws.

How does one process such an event? By terming the phrase "In-law Fatigue (ILF)." A kind way of saying, "How do we deal with all these people and the mix of personalities?" Don't worry, it (now) carries with it an endearment to it.

But the beauty of ILF is that time takes care of many things. And you recognize that you are better because of the in-laws and their behaviors/ideas/habits/etc.

For example, we have spent the last 3 years celebrating Rosca de Reyes with Mauricio and Jenni. Never heard of it? Neither had we. But it takes place on the 12th day AFTER Christmas (January 6th.) It is a wonderful, easy holiday that involves drinking frothy Mexican hot cocoa and cutting into a wreath-shaped pastry. The pastry has candied fruit on top and represents the jewels and treasures the wise men brought to present to baby Jesus.

But there is more. A "baby" is baked inside the bread and the person who "finds" baby Jesus has the event at their house the next year.

Last week I found myself looking forward to this year's Rosca de Reyes. Jenni and I both had the vague memory that Kennah "found" Jesus last year. So we had our first Rosca de Reyes Wednesday evening. The bread (which usually was on the stale side--it's the idea that is important) was very fresh. In fact, Pollo had one of the very last ones out of the bakery's oven. Mmmmm!

But a little confusing as 6 babies were found this year!

And so, I snub my nose to ILF on this matter. I LOVE this addition to our family's holiday traditions!

Isn't She Lovely?

Really, the title should say, "Aren't THEY Lovely?" But not many songs written about multiples of love.

Thursday meant my mom has another year under her belt. She has done some amazing things in her life. She's raised 6 kids (all born within the same decade). I am not following in those footsteps. She has spent a portion of her life living her dream as a farmer. My black thumb and I will not be following in those footsteps. She has amazing sewing skills. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to follow in in those footsteps. She has patience and love for many four-legged animals. Again, not a match.

But there are many things that I have learned from her:

1. Creativity. I attempt it in my own little way. I think a portion of this comes from her ability to create a new homestead while moving every two years for many years.

2. To dream. She always wanted to be veterinarian, but didn't do that because "that's not what women do" back when she went to school. I think she has encouraged all her children to do what they love to keep us from having regrets. (There is more of that rebel spirit in there too!)

3. The love for road trips. I have happy memories driving across the country. It may have been out of necessity (who can afford to travel with 6 kids?) but regardless, I find myself with the hankering for a road trip every year.

My kids are lucky to know her and we are even luckier to just be a couple of miles away!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Friday, January 8, 2010

A dozen . . .

years ago I was in denial.

I woke up in labor, 3 weeks before my due date. "False labor," we concluded. Slade took me to work (back in our student-one-car-days) where he helped me get comfortable. But I couldn't do too much from couch cushions on the floor so we went to the doctor's office where it was confirmed as the real deal. Slade skipped class that day and we enjoyed our last kid-free day together.

Eventually we made it to the hospital and even more eventually we met our silver-haired boy. Who knew you could feel so much for someone so small so fast?!

We've loved the 12 years since. Sawyer has a seriousness about him but can quickly revert to a funny little guy. He has particular tastes about things and life, but is willing give new things a shot here and there. Lately, he has shown some impressive maturity that must be coming with age. We can't wait to see what a dozen more years have in store for him.

Milk was $2.03/ gallon (somethings don't change much)
Movie Teickets were $6
Gasoline was $1.19 /gallon (somethings do)