Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I got a call at 8:42 this morning, "Mom, can you come to my pirate play today?"

"Sure, what time?"


I arrived BEFORE the production this time and enjoyed myself. But it was in Spanish, so I did not really get the whole story. Although I did hear, "Grande" somewhere in the midst of it all.

Let's hear it for teachers that encourage imagination!

(I don't know where the stripped pants came from, but they totally pull off the pirate look!)


Chiska said...

Looks like a fun time! Aargh-- to teachers who encourage imagination! How cool.

Alisha said...

Very fun pictures! (Now I'm going to go crawl under a rock and lick my wounds some more.) Way to go, Kennah. Kid 'o the week award to you, girl!!