Thursday, May 28, 2009

She's Got Talent

Today was Kennah's grade's talent show. She hula-hooped with 4 hoops. (Slade thought she should have tried it with fire--luckily that was not approved by the powers that be.) As she swung her hips she gave a running dialog and had helpers add hoops as she went.

Or so I heard. . .

I showed up at 1:30. It started at 1:00. Somehow missing the simple details in life--that's MY talent.


Alisha said...

At least you weren't "un-invited" by being given the wrong day/time intentionally. ;)

Fire on the hoops, eh? There's more Martin in that boy than he might care to admit.

Way to go Kennah!!

meghan said...

Sounds like a great achievement. I can hardly make one, let alone four go around!! GO KENNAH!!

SHAKS Watts said...

I just heard someone say that the size of the hoop makes all the difference. When we are young the hoop works b/c we are little. We just need a proportionally larger hoop as adults and then (hopefully) we can get those hips moving!