Monday, June 15, 2009

Way TOOOO Easy

This morning on my daily stroll through blogland (hey, it gets the creative juices flowing) I stumbled onto some cute paper dolls and then stumbled away without bookmarking it under my catch-all, "random ideas."

No big deal, until an hour later I mentioned it to Avy and she was SO excited. Then I had to try to find my way back. Luckily a friend reminded me of the handy-dandy history button. Wah-la, there it was.

And with a few printing clicks, I reached bliss.

Not for my crafting needs. But Avy cannot get enough creative outlets. In particular, she LIVES to cut. I have never seen someone cut so much. Paper, clothes (yes, clothes ON her body), fabric packed away in the attic, anything.

I knew she'd like to cut the dolls, but I had NO ideas she'd do it for 6 hours. We had a marvelous afternoon "working" side by side. "Mom, I can't believe I have paper dolls. At Fred Meyer they are $10! And we just had to print them!" (Spoken with the giddiness of Christmas Eve conversations.)

Now she is happily sorting them and distributing them into properly marked bags.

Why didn't I think of this YEARS ago?!

And now my morning "habit" has been justified.


Chiska said...

How Fun!

Alisha said...

Love it all! Love that she was so easily satisfied and occupied, Love that your blogging is justified, Love the idea of paper dolls. How fun!

meghan said...

It is always wonderful to find a way to justify a habit!! :) Can't wait to see you next week!