Friday, May 1, 2009

ahhhh. . . .

It's over. The kids' schools' Cinco de Mayo festival and auction. I was certainly not a major player in the planning or the legwork. But it's been in the forefront of my mind and thoughts. And a large majority of my "free" time.

Slade and I called the BINGO for a while. The kids enjoyed their friends and playing the games. Sawyer was very excited to be old enough, and asked, to help run some of the games. Slade won a pineapple plant and I bought some fun, decorated flip flops. (Although I already lost a pair with little sequined ladybugs.)

But, I am excited to once again cook dinner. I love the simple life!


Alisha said...

Amen to loving the simple life.

Dinner? What's that? Am I supposed to cook it? On a regular basis?

I miss dinner . . .

I'm glad it all went well for you!

meghan said...

Sounds like a fun filled family activity!! Pineapple plant??? What is that??