Tuesday, May 12, 2009


When the kids were younger, The Dollar Store was their ultimate treasure. They could work or save $1 and then promptly spend it. The learned, and re-learned, that their merchandise was not meant to last and in fact it didn't. Eventually they learned to call it junk. (And after watching a show on the genocide going on in the Sudan, I tried to not purchase products from China--although that is a hard thing to do these days.) ANYWAYS . . .we've happily grown out of the Dollar Store.

Or so I thought . . .

I am beginning to think it has been replaced with "The Student Store." Just your friendly neighborhood one stop shop for kids in school where the money goes to 6th graders for outdoor school.

The kids still save their $1's but can happily spend them without my social commentary in the background. (I'll have to write about the latest way they are "earning" money.)

Recently Kennah came home with a collection of rubber bugs. I figured as soon as they were left on the floor I would sweep them up and they would be no more. But I have yet to find them there. Instead, she is taking great joy in strategically placing them in places to startle me. And she is quite good. They started on the windowsill and then moved to the inside of the microwave. Then just a hint of antennae from behind the flour jar. I leave them where I find them and at some point she comes back and retrieves them for the next day's placement. (Proof that I know she DOES know where her belongings are . . .)

This is where I found them this morning:

I think I may have to step up the stakes and start hiding them for her to discover. And pray she doesn't use the centipede anymore--that one scares me every time.


Alisha said...

That is hilarious! I've heard of married people doing that hiding thing with little charms or something. The bug hiding though . . . brings mother/daughter bonding to a new level. Love it!

meghan said...

Yuck!! But quite funny!! Kennah is quite the funny little girl! At least all three of them aren't hiding things for you to find!

SHAKS Watts said...

She proudly announced her new purchase: a grasshopper. But there isn't such "gross factor" with a grasshopper.