Monday, May 11, 2009


Just extending the invitation to join my team, The Moonwalkers, in OC's Relay for Life on Saturday, June 27th. This is a wonderful community event with people rallying together in the fight against ALL cancers.

The Moonwalkers's booth this year will be simple. Chairs for those resting and visiting as well as a place for survivors to come have a portrait taken and share their feelings and thoughts. We hope to then create a book filled with emotion, love, heartache and hope.

There is NO fee to join the team this year. And no pressure to fundraise. I truly just want to show a presence on the track throughout the 24 hour event. Your contribution would be in 3-4 hour shift to divided between walking and "holding down the fort."

Feel free to invite a friend to join you and share the time together. You may join by following this link:

Also, if you are a survivor or know a survivor, encourage them to come and walk in the first lap, dedicated to survivors. Lunch will also be served to them. And you can't forget the wonderful purple t-shirt, showing that they are strong and survivors. They do not have to join my team to participate.

T-shirts are being ordered this week and when you register on-line, the shirt is automatically added into the count.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Wish I could be there--I'm going to try to find the date of the Gresham walk.