Monday, April 6, 2009

HUGE relief

It's Oregon dream-time! Sunshine, mid-70's, tulips and daffodils, and fresh cross breeze through open windows. The hope of spring. I know it won't last. Yet. The reason? I pulled out the box labeled, "Summer Clothes." I know I shouldn't have done it. But there are t-shirts that I haven't seen for 6 months just begging to be worn. Skin, that needs to be in different clothes, just waiting to be warmed (and turn even just a hint less pale.) So I did it. Yes, I take full responsibility for the next rainy day. But I couldn't defer my gratification.

I rolled the box from under the bed. Opened the lid and saw my favorite pants packed on top. Not even wrinkled. I must have planned ahead when packing and KNEW these would be the ones I would wear first. I slipped them on . . .and the were too tight. AGH! These clothes could not have "shrunk" over the winter. They had no dryer action. It was the depressing truth. No more denial. Instead, I less gleefully reached for a skirt--with elastic--while recollecting all the days I did not go to the gym.

A couple of hours went by (with a new found appreciation for walking Spock) and I had a little brainstorm. "Maybe those were the pants that I outgrew 3 summers ago and saved because I am going to loose a few pounds." I quickly dug deeper and found my beloved pants. And they do fit! I guess I am not destined to an entire summer of elastic after all.


Alisha said...

:) I'm glad you found the "real" favorite pants. The others must be shunned or sent away. (I have clothes like that, too, and they don't do any good for my mental well-being.)

meghan said...

I am jelouse of your warm weather!! I too have broke into the summer clothing as I am sick and tired of keeping my feet closed in shoes. Even though it was 40 yesterday, I wore my flip flops proudly!!

meghan said...

I totally spelled jealous wrong! Sorry! I hit "publish" too quickly!

Jennifer said...

Hurray for favorite pants! Just put the "fake" pants on the bottom of the box with a note sticking out of the pocket.