Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vulcan Logic vs. Emotion

We are going on week 3 of the latest family addition, Spock. Today as I walked him in the rain ("Let's hear it for the mom! Let's give the mom a hand! Whoa. Whoa, whoa, WHOA- let's hear it for the mom!!" Imagine this sung to the old Footloose song back from the 80's) I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of this little dog's name-sake, a carrier of logical thought. Logically, he was a good decision for our family. But he is becoming an emotional attachment as well.

Yesterday Slade rode his bike home from school, just like he always does. Check on his exercise for the day. (Sigh from me and my NOT doing the same.) The kids did their homework and everyone was enjoying themselves. But then Slade grabbed Kennah and Spock and off on a walk they went. Later that night Slade noted what a fabulous day it was. But more than that, he knew that because he spent additional time outside, not from his bike ride home. Had we not had Spock, he would've stayed inside. Because of the dog, Slade enjoyed the world and his daughter a little bit more. What a great emotional advantage to the logical decision.


Alisha said...

Glad to hear the doggie is working out!

(Yep, let's hear it for the mom. That's my biggest fear in getting a dog. I don't want to be the mom of a dog. I don't. But being the responsible adult in the house, who is actually *in* the house more often than the other responsible adult in the house, I'm afraid doggie duty will fall in my lap . . . and I am strongly resisting doggy duty. I have enough responsiblities in my life. Whine whine whine. I know. Can you tell I have some issues I need to work through in the next year before we take the doggie plunge?)

Beth said...

Ok Miss Heidi...let's see some pictures of Spock! :)

meghan said...

I second Beth's request - lets see this cute Spock doggie!!

SHAKS Watts said...

We've had a few setbacks with the "responsibility" side of things which has made me see the dog in a whole new (EMOTIONAL-not the good ones)light. We seriously had to literally WRITE it all out with time frames ("the dog must be walked 15 minutes after waking up" or "the dog must be fed by 5:30 every day") because we were feeling like nags.

Once I get a grip on technology (a story I can't bring myself to share)and my LIFE, I'll get some pictures up. (Interpretation: Don't hold your breath too long.)