Saturday, November 29, 2008


I just have to say how perfectly happy I am at this very moment.

I am sitting in my dad and Sharon's beautiful and comfortable home "working" (i.e. playing around on my computer.) Two kids are playing Tripoloy with their grandfather. Their conversations are, "I'll bet Sawyer is bluffing." You're RIGHT - I am bluffing! Hahaha!" That's when I interrupt their happy bubble to remind Sawyer that his poker face is compromised when giving away his secrets. But there is something sweet about a little boy whose honesty comes shining through, even when it is to his detriment.

And the game wouldn't be the same without Grandpa Bruce's deep choral break-through. "Bringing in the chips. Bringing in the CHIPS! . . ."

Then on the other side my little girl is reading The Giving Tree to her sister's dog. Such a sweet book. Such a sweet dog. Such a sweet girl!

And Slade is quietly reading to himself. But I love just knowing he's close by.

And so, I sit here quite contently loving life.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not Another!?

Tuesday afternoon I drove a little girl from our ward to Activity Days with Kennah. No big deal. She lives in the neighborhood and we were heading to the church anyways.

Sawyer and Avy ran to the post office with me and we were headed back to pick the girls up. Avy asked if she could sit in the front. I said, "No. Sawyer can." I figured I'd save him from the estrogen filled back seat. But to my surprise, he assured me that Avy could have a turn in the front. "What?!" I thought. "Is he thinking of his sister's feelings and putting them in front of his own?" I began to smile smugly that my child is maturing. Then I realized it was not altruistic. When in fact, he was choosing to be WITH the girls! Correction, the ONE girl, the one we were giving a ride to.

Ahhh. Sawyer has hit the crush stage of life. (Remember Kennah at the ice cream parlor?)

Two in one month! I must be getting old after all.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vulcan Logic vs. Emotion

We are going on week 3 of the latest family addition, Spock. Today as I walked him in the rain ("Let's hear it for the mom! Let's give the mom a hand! Whoa. Whoa, whoa, WHOA- let's hear it for the mom!!" Imagine this sung to the old Footloose song back from the 80's) I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of this little dog's name-sake, a carrier of logical thought. Logically, he was a good decision for our family. But he is becoming an emotional attachment as well.

Yesterday Slade rode his bike home from school, just like he always does. Check on his exercise for the day. (Sigh from me and my NOT doing the same.) The kids did their homework and everyone was enjoying themselves. But then Slade grabbed Kennah and Spock and off on a walk they went. Later that night Slade noted what a fabulous day it was. But more than that, he knew that because he spent additional time outside, not from his bike ride home. Had we not had Spock, he would've stayed inside. Because of the dog, Slade enjoyed the world and his daughter a little bit more. What a great emotional advantage to the logical decision.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

random things to just get out there

1. I made incredible enchiladas last night! Usually, my opinion is that they are too heavy and feel like it's a blob of flavors in my mouth rather than light with distinct flavors. But I have mastered it! I called Slade during his lunch just to remind him how good I am. (Obviously I am a little confidence deprived these days if a few pans of Mexican food makes me feel at the top of my game. Sad, eh?)

2. Slade has agreed to finish off the master bedroom! This was a project that was on the back burner until Spring Break or summer (or another decade?) He and Dad hung the ceiling pieces Monday afternoon, with that being the only expectation. (I admit, I was willing to sleep in a bedroom with only a ceiling to be warm this winter) But once they got started, they think they can finish it off with a little (lot) of work. Slade asked me how I felt, if I wanted him to do that. I had to stay REAL calm and say, "Whatever you want to do" but inside I was jumping for joy!! The closet won't have doors right away, but at this point our "room" in the basement doesn't have doors so I think I am really moving up in the world. I should take a "before" picture this time.

3. Kennah is a big flirt. Not a ditzy "blonde" (no offense to blondes), "hahaheehee" kind of flirt. Just a "I choose to hang with boys" kind of flirt. Last week the girls' Brownies troop had a very cute, fun ice cream party at Little Scoops. (It's 50's ice cream parlor where they dance and play games and make ice cream sundaes. So VERY cute!!) Kennah, although she can maneuver a soccer ball down the field, isn't the most rhythmic person. She tried to dance but came back to the sidelines repeatedly, "This is a silly game" or "Why are they doing this?" etc.

But last night Avy's soccer team had their end of the season party there (brilliant idea if you ask me--enough pizza in crowded rooms!) There was a boy from Sawyer's team who had a sister on Avy's team. Needless to say, there was not a single complaint of silly or stupid games from Kennah this time. She had a grand time hanging out with Quade. Oh the perspective.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sawyer's Historical Election

Yesterday Sawyer talked to me all afternoon about his knowledge of the "electrical' votes.

He then dropped our ballots in the box.

We then enjoyed a fun evening at Mimi's home watching the election results. We've talked for months about issues and political ideas. I vaguely remember my mom liking Reagan, but I don't have a clear memory of the details of Carter's loss. (Could be the change in communications in the past few decades as well. . .) I wanted the kids to have memory of this election.

Luckily we didn't have to stay up much past their 8:00 pm bedtime since the votes came in quickly. On the way home Sawyer wrapped up his "historical" experience, "We don't have to move to Canada!" 11-4-08 is the day Sawyer remained an American citizen.