Saturday, January 9, 2010

Isn't She Lovely?

Really, the title should say, "Aren't THEY Lovely?" But not many songs written about multiples of love.

Thursday meant my mom has another year under her belt. She has done some amazing things in her life. She's raised 6 kids (all born within the same decade). I am not following in those footsteps. She has spent a portion of her life living her dream as a farmer. My black thumb and I will not be following in those footsteps. She has amazing sewing skills. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to follow in in those footsteps. She has patience and love for many four-legged animals. Again, not a match.

But there are many things that I have learned from her:

1. Creativity. I attempt it in my own little way. I think a portion of this comes from her ability to create a new homestead while moving every two years for many years.

2. To dream. She always wanted to be veterinarian, but didn't do that because "that's not what women do" back when she went to school. I think she has encouraged all her children to do what they love to keep us from having regrets. (There is more of that rebel spirit in there too!)

3. The love for road trips. I have happy memories driving across the country. It may have been out of necessity (who can afford to travel with 6 kids?) but regardless, I find myself with the hankering for a road trip every year.

My kids are lucky to know her and we are even luckier to just be a couple of miles away!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

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