Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Story. In just, six words?

I listen to public radio. Daily. I love it. Yesterday there was a great show on love stories. (I am a sucker for romance and love stories.) BUT the stories were told in only six words. "Impossible!," I thought. How can anything be said in only 6 words? And with this Hemmingway illustration, I understood: "Baby shoes, for sale, never worn."

Here are some other examples of love, love lost and tragic love:
“Not him again! said my mother.” Lisa Ihnken
“Your planet: Peter. My planet: Earth.” Elinor McKay
"He sees the me I don't"

"For the children, I remain his."
"Found Jewish princess. Good-bye succulent pork."
"I finally threw away his toothbrush."

"Our prison visitations were surprisingly romantic."
Red-eye. Him window. Me aisle. Love. - Joanne Flynn Black
If I get Chlamydia, blame MySpace. - Hanorah Slocum
Silently suffered his facial hair experiments. - Elizabeth Minkel
Three marriages. Two divorces. BA .333. - Ron Carmean
If only he wasn't a Republican. - Holly Fitzpatrick
Tried men. Tried women. Like cats. - Dona Bumgarner
Inevitably, his obituary didn't mention me. - R. Sue Dodea
We "I do" -ed. Then he didn't. - Lisa Parrack
Two marriages. The wrong one died. - Anne Hamilton
Best family ever. Thank you,! - Alexa Young
Marriage, children, empty nest: Now what? - Oliver House

One of my favorites: "Flirt-Miami. Passion-NY. Seperate-Detroit" or "Weight gain, hair loss, we're even" I love how concise they are! No babblings. The story is there but OH, what a story there is below!

Here's the link to the story (if you have desire or time to listen): They mention many others that were so great. I was sad to hear it end. I hope it comes out in audio book one day!

I find myself now thinking in shorter words and thoughts. Trying, not quite able. Yet. Practice?

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Very fun stuff! I love it. (I love words.)