Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meeting Max

Last month a friend told me they were giving their kids a yorkie for Christmas. I thought it was the perfect gift for Mom. I called to see what she thought of the idea. She was interested. So we scheduled a time to meet the dogs. She found one that matched her criteria: mellow and sweet.

Since it was a Christmas gift, we all felt it important that she wait until Christmas (afterall, SHE taught us that principle.) And to my shock (and disappointment) she was completely OK with that. I wondered if this was an indication of her true interest, or, lack of it.

But I didn't have to wait long before she broke down and started using all the tricks we'd tried for years to get our gifts early. Logic, necessisty, the "benefit" for us, etc. She wanted her gift early and the anticipation of waiting was beginning to do her in. Yipee! THAT's what I wanted to see. (heehee)

She had different conversations with us each individually trying to weaken our resolve. Some kids holding much firmer than others.

But last Saturday an early faction (Jenni) took the majority and convinced us all to relent to an early delivery. We all parked a block away and caroled up to her door.

She'd been leaked a clue about our arrival a couple hours early and wasn't quite surprised. But that did not lessen the thrill of her Christmas gift.

Welcome to the family, Max! (After the Grinch's dog.)


Alisha said...

What fun! You took some really great pictures. Looks like your mom and Max have lots of good times together ahead of them.

meghan said...

Hopefully Max and Spock will have lots of fun playdates together!