Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Middle of the Night Call

Sunday evening/ EARLY Monday morning my cell phone rang. Since it was close to my bed I answered (had it been across the room I would have let it ring.)


"Mom, this is Kennah."

"Yeah?" Realizing she must be calling from the land line in her room.

"Can Dad come get me? I'm scared."

Happily I passed the news on to Slade and returned to sleep. After all, he's the one that tried to show them a suspenseful show in honor of Halloween. Kennah may talk big, but she's still a little girl inside.

The next day Slade asked Kennah why she didn't just ask me to come get her. "Mom sounded tired." I sure do love that girl!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

That's hilarious--on so many levels.

Let's hear it for October and creepiness. London decided to read Harry Potter and got too scared to sleep the other night.