Tuesday, September 29, 2009

100% Correct

This afternoon as I sat working, Avy listened to books on cassette tape. One was a native American version of Cinderella. Avy asked for clarification of the moral, something along the lines of having a good heart is beautiful. I explained when a person is kind and nice, they have a special inner beauty just like being attractive on the outside.

She looked at me and said, "I have both."

I chuckled at her insight. She is both honest and accurate.

Monday, September 21, 2009


After several months of resumes going out with not so many interviews coming in (unemployment is pretty darn high these days), I am thrilled to expand my experience and take on a new and exciting venture! I feel very lucky to have found a place that appreciates all my hodge podge experiences and values them! I will be doing marketing and office coordination for a dental practice in Happy Valley. Here is the card they gave me on my first day of work--I love the line, "Her heart glowed with a degree of happy assurance."

I am not closing h. h. watts photography. No way! I just need to give myself a little more time to be with family. As much as I love every aspect of it, the boundaries were very vague from Slade's perspective. I will just be more specific (and limited) with my availability, but not stopping. I hope this will also give me a chance to really examine my strengths and commit to that direction. And I will continue to help community organizations and people that need services.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Live Long and Prosper, Bob

Kennah has officially entered double digits today. Her day started with bacon, egg and cheese bagels and ended with lasagna, cake and ice cream. Packed with school, Achievement Days and a soccer game in between.

10 great things about Kennah:

1. She can work hard! She likes the challenge of harder work in school and is equally motivated to run fast on the soccer field. Nice well rounded girl, she is.

2. Kennah has an infectious and sweet laugh.

3. She is so totally OK being herself. She'll carry around Blankie if she wants to. She'll wear a ski hat in 90 degrees if she wants to. She'll admit she loves Star Trek.

4. Kennah likes people! (And people like Kennah.)
5. Kennah is so cute. But DON'T tell her I said that. She can't stand anything cute.

6. Ken will try new things and has a sense of adventure about her.

7. Kennah is loyal.

8. Kennah has a "I want to help" streak in her. I love that streak!

9. She is the first one dressed in the morning. And the first one to fall asleep at night.

10. Kennah says things like she sees them.
She learned that from her dad:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

momma said there'd be days like this . . .

... and I hope there are MORE!

The kids practically LEAPED out of bed this morning. They laughed all the way through breakfast. May the magic of the first day of school last!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

a summertime riddle

While at a free warehouse "sale" this week, I found a fabulous old retro-y table. I loved the metal, wheels, and adjustable sides. And since I could carry it, it came home with me. (I also found some great storage cabinets, but they are NOT something I can carry alone--or as the second person, so they may find themselves at Goodwill.)
When describing the treasure to my mom, she immediately knew what it was. A typewriter table.
And then I felt very young. (Which is a rare thing these days as wrinkles keep deepening.) Although I am not so clueless as to not know about typewriters (those were around when I started college), I am young enough to not know where that item actually lived in it's prime in the real world.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Times, they are a changin'

Things are cooler.

6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. are dark.

Kids have their school supplies.

And new snazzy do's. (Pictures to come tomorrow.)


Is summer 2009 really coming to an end?!

I've never been one to dwell in the past or pine for the future. And September in Oregon is fabulous. But, I just can't quite bring myself to turn the page on this chapter. Maybe next week will feel more "official."