Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Slade has always been a believer in "don't worry about things you can't control." So he never understands how weather is such a fascination for people. (However, he does watch the weather for snow for skiing.) This week a co-worker has warned him about the first winter cold front. Nothing really happened Friday night. Nothing really happened Saturday. "Shaw," he said when the kids talked of the chance of a snow day on Monday.

But this morning we were awakened to Kennah screaming, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" I chalked it up to a sneaky trick, but she was telling the truth. And the snow hasn't stopped.

Two of my meetings and church were cancelled. So, we have had a wonderful day cozy at home. I know this is the only time it will happen. After today, snow means, "Hit the slopes" so the cozy days together at home will be no more.

That's OK, I'm living in the moment and will take what I can!

Here's what the kids did when they came in to warm up before going back to play in the snow:
Ulitmate blanket forts.

And a hostage.


Alisha said...

We loved our cozy day at home, too. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Happy Snow-Monday to you.

meghan said...

Ahhh, Oregon officially looks like the winter of the midwest! I still miss Oregon's winters! -30 with the wind chill just isn't fun!