Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Announcement--Our Family is Growing . . .

It is April's Fools Day and I know we have tried the pregnancy gag in the past (and the joke ended up on us). However, don't read too much into that title--I just couldn't help it!

Just as we turned off the answering machine to leave for Spring Break, we received a call from Sawyer's endocrinologist giving us the results of the in-depth growth hormone test Sawyer took at the beginning of March.

They tested the levels of 7 different items. If any one of the levels is rated above a 10, the diagnosis will not apply. Sawyer's highest level was 6.7 and his lowest was 1.75. So, it's official, he is growth hormone deficient.

It takes a month for the doctor's office to apply through insurance (it's not cheap--finally, we are getting a return on our insurance premiums all these years!) Sawyer will also have an MRI to make sure there is not a dormant brain tumor, which if there was, would also grow once receiving the hormones.

From our reading, this is a safe procedure similar to the daily small prick of a diabetic test. Sawyer will take this until he stops growing. The doctor expects him to grow at least 3 inches a year until then. The worst side effect will be pain at the growth plates.

We are excited to see him catch up physically with his peers.


Alisha said...

Wow! That's big news. I hope Sawyer won't be claustrophobic for the MRI. I surely was . . . .

Nice try on the pregnancy gag, Heidi. I do remember that one from years gone by. :)

meghan said...

Crazy! I didn't know all of this was going on. My friend Mindy's 3 year is doing just the opposite. He has to have shots every 28 days to slow his growth down! When he was 1 his body thought it was hitting early puberty!! Hopefully all goes well. It is amazing what can be done.