Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Announcement--Our Family is Growing . . .
It is April's Fools Day and I know we have tried the pregnancy gag in the past (and the joke ended up on us). However, don't read too much into that title--I just couldn't help it!
Just as we turned off the answering machine to leave for Spring Break, we received a call from Sawyer's endocrinologist giving us the results of the in-depth growth hormone test Sawyer took at the beginning of March.
They tested the levels of 7 different items. If any one of the levels is rated above a 10, the diagnosis will not apply. Sawyer's highest level was 6.7 and his lowest was 1.75. So, it's official, he is growth hormone deficient.
It takes a month for the doctor's office to apply through insurance (it's not cheap--finally, we are getting a return on our insurance premiums all these years!) Sawyer will also have an MRI to make sure there is not a dormant brain tumor, which if there was, would also grow once receiving the hormones.
From our reading, this is a safe procedure similar to the daily small prick of a diabetic test. Sawyer will take this until he stops growing. The doctor expects him to grow at least 3 inches a year until then. The worst side effect will be pain at the growth plates.
We are excited to see him catch up physically with his peers.
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